Why we use design ethnography?

By Ryan Davren   Second semester is nearing its end and my time with these two modules is nearly over. As I reflect on the skills I’ve gained in implementing design ethnography Ill explain to you why designer use the ethnographic research method. Design ethnography has been my main focus throughout this semester and my […]

Casey Neistat – A Story Everyday.

Casey Neistat “Bike Lanes“   Casey Neistat is a professional filmmaker, director and producer who has been creating short films since 2001 and has recently increased his popularity greatly by making daily Vlogs (Video Blogs). Casey Neistat has aimed to increase his filmmaking by making a short film every day in the form of a […]

The Social Network

The social network explores photography through a modern lens and its social impact online. This is apparent early on with “Face mash” the program Mark Zuckerberg creates that consist of a photo of all the female freshman and the ability to decide who is more attractive when compared to someone else. The webpage takes off […]

A visual effects tour de force.

  “The man with the movie Camera” A visual effects tour de force. A bizarre viewing experience in the 21st century “The man with the movie camera” by Dziga Vertov is a detailed and erratic insight into the bustling cities of Moscow, Odessa and Kiev during the late 1920’s. This film aimed to show a […]

How to be an Art Student…apparently.

  “How to be an Art Student” is a satirical look on what truly makes an art student; from using drugs to suppress our collective teenage angst to days and days of sitting about doing nothing but fuck around and act arty and pretentious. I personally thought the article was hilarious and as someone who comes from […]

Downtown Dundee.

The “Downtown Dundee” project spans Five streets; Dock street, Castle street, Exchange street, Commercial street and The High Street. These streets all have their own individual identity and thanks to the work of Irvine Reid this area of Dundee is achieving a new collective identity while still retaining its charm and individuality. This part of the […]